Week 48

Class 7:2 & 7:4 Can you describe them?, pp. 44-45, Textbook, and ex. 6, p. 34  and ex. 8, p. 35 in the Workbook. Homework: Write a poem describing your friend (use the poem on p. 42 in the Workbook as an example).  Do grammar exercises on pp. 51-52 in the Workbook.
Friday: Shopping phrases, Textbook p. 37. Jumbled dialogues A - practise role play.
Homework for next Friday: grammar exercises, Workbook, pp. 53-54

Don't forget to send your poem to me if you haven't already done it.

Class 7:1 & 7:3 Can you describe them?, pp. 44-45, Textbook, and ex. 6, p. 34  and ex. 8, p. 35 in the Workbook. Homework: Write a poem describing your friend (use the poem on p. 42 in the Workbook as an example).  Do grammar exercises on pp. 51-52 in the Workbook. If this is too much homework for Thursday, you can do the grammar for next week but do remember that there will be more grammar homework set on Thursday. There will be no English lesson next Tuesday and you're having your test in week 50 so we don't have much time left. Keep working!
Thursday: Shopping phrases, Textbook p. 37. Work in pairs and write a conversation between the shop assistant and the customer, using the phrases in the book.
Homework for next Thursday: grammar exercises, Workbook, pp. 53-54

Don't forget to send your poem to me if you haven't already done it.

Week 47

Class 7:2 & 7:4 Crossword for two (clothes), "What are you wearing today?", Textbook, p. 36
In class: Write a description of your dress style and the clothes you are wearing: "My outfit"
Learn the words from p. 40, Textbook (homework for Friday)
Friday - you'll have this lesson with Anna Smith as I'm going to be away. Continue with the Textbook "What do they look like?" and "Wanted: Where is Bob?", pp. 41-43. For homework for Monday please do the grammar exercises on p. 50 in the Workbook.

Class 7:1 & 7:3 Crossword for two (clothes), "What are you wearing today?", Textbook, p. 36
In class: Write a description of your dress style and the clothes you are wearing: "My outfit"
Homework for Thursday: grammar Workbook pp. 48-49 (possessive pronouns)
Words describing people, Textbook, p. 40
What do they look like?, Textbook, p. 41
Homework: grammar, Workbook, p. 50

Week 46

Class 7:2 & 7:4 Worksheet 2B Clothes, Words describing clothes, Textbook, p. 33, New clothes, Textbook, pp. 34-35 - write down clothes they like and things they want to buy to make them look stunning.
We did exercises 1A, 2A and 7, Workbook, pp. 30-34

Class 7:1 & 7:3 Worksheet 2B Clothes, Words describing clothes, Textbook, p. 33. Describe the clothes that you are wearing today and write them down. At home try to learn as many words as you can from Worksheet 2A & 2B and pp. 32-33 in the Textbook. Use the CD to practise how to pronounce these words correctly.
New clothes, Textbook, pp. 34-35 - write down all the different clothes (including colours, patterns and styles) that they are talking about.

Unit 2 Clothes

Year 7 English

Study Plan

Unit 2, weeks 45 - 50



In this unit we will learn how to describe people and what they wear. We will also learn useful phrases for shopping for clothes.


What are we going to do?                                      

•·        Learn words describing clothes and people

•·        Describe what people look like

•·        Learn words and phrases used when shopping for clothes

•·        Grammar: Possessive pronouns (my, your, his)

Adverbs: always, never, often, usually etc

Verbs in the past tense

Why are we learning this?                                     

  • To be able to describe people and what they wear
  • To understand when people describe others
  • To be able to go shopping for clothes
  • To learn how to write a poem describing your friend

What should I study?

                                            Wings 7 Textbook Section 2 pp. 30 - 50

                                            Wings 7 Workbook Section 2 pp. 30 - 54

How can I show what I have learned?                

  • Take part in class discussion/exercises
  • Write a poem describing your friend, by Friday, 28 Nov (w. 48)
  • Design costumes for a theatre group, by Friday 5 Dec (w. 49)
  • Pass the test Tuesday 9 Dec (w. 50)

Mål att sträva mot

Skolan skall i sin undervisning i engelska sträva efter att eleven

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift,

- fördjupar sin förståelse av talad engelska i olika situationer och sammanhang,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att delta aktivt i samtal och skriftlig kommunikation, uttrycka sina egna tankar på engelska samt uppfatta andras åsikter och erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska muntligt i olika sammanhang för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser, information och kunskaper,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda hjälpmedel och att kritiskt granska informationskällor,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över och ta ansvar för sin egen språkinlärning och att medvetet använda arbetssätt som främjar den egna inlärningen,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand och i samarbete med andra.


Week 45

Class 7:2 & 7:4
We've started Section 2 in the Textbook called Clothes.
Homework for Friday: grammar exercises Workbook, pp. 48-49 
Worked with a word map and pictures, Worksheet 2A. If you didn't finish it at school, this is your homework for Monday, w. 46. Remember to have the worksheet with you!

Class 7:1 & 7:3
We've started Section 2 in the Textbook called Clothes. Worked with a word map and pictures, Worksheet 2A. If you didn't finish it at school, this is your homework for Tuesday, w. 46. Remember to have the worksheet with you!

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