Class 7:2 & 7:4 Workplan before Test Week 19

Dear Class 7:2 & 7:4,

There are SEVEN tasks to do before your test on "David Copperfield" on Friday 8 May in week 19. This means that you need to plan your work in such a way that you can read the book and do all the exercises before that date. Here is a workplan that I suggest:
Week 14 - complete Tasks 3 & 4 (chapters 9&10)
Week 15 - Easter break
Week 16 - Task 5 (chapters 11&12)
Week 17 - Task 6 (chapters 13&14)
Week 18 - Task 7 (chapters 15&16)
Week 19 - Test

Let me know if you have any difficulties. Good luck!


Class 7:1 & 7:3 Homework for Week 16

Textbook - Poppy's room, pp. 90-91
 Workbook choose some of the ex. 12-13, pp. 88-89, 16-19 p. 90, 28-31, pp. 93-94

Writing: Draw a picture of your room and describe it in writing.

Class 7:1 & 7:3 Week 13

Textbook:  Looking for a house pp. 88-89, Tidy up!, pp. 92-93

Workbook: Phrases ex. 9 & 10 pp. 86-87, ex. 20-22 p. 90-91,

Homework: Describe your house/flat as if you advertised it for sale, and do ex. 9 on p. 86 in the Workbook. 

Class 7:2 & 7:4 Week 14



Task 4


Read Chapters 9 & 10.

•I.                    Are these sentences True or False?


  1. Traddles is a lawyer now.
  2. Mr Micawber has a job.
  3. Mr Micawber steals money from Traddles.
  4. Rosa Dartle is worried about Steerforth.
  5. Barkis dies.
  6. Emily leaves her family for Steerforth.
  7. Steerforth plans to marry Emily.
  8. Rosa is in love with Steerforth.
  9. Dora agrees to marry David.
  10.  She tells her father immediately.


•II.                  Discuss these questions using at least 30 words for each answer. You may want to discuss them (in English) with another student before you write your answers down.


  1. Who do these people write letters to? What are they about?

Mr Micawber                               Peggotty                            Emily                                  Dora            

  1. Which of these people do you feel most sorry for? Why?

Traddles                Peggotty      Mr Peggotty                                            Ham                                   Emily         

Steerforth               Mrs Steerforth                                        

Class 7:2 & 7:4 Week 13



Task 3


Read Chapters 5 & 6.

•I.                    Are these sentences True or False?


  1. David likes his job.
  2. David lives with Mr Micawber.
  3. David rides to Dover.
  4. Miss Murdstone rides to Dover in a cart.
  5. Miss Trotwood likes the Murdstones.
  6. Miss Trotwood is kind to David.
  7. Mr Wickfield is a lawyer.
  8. David likes his new school.


•II.                  Find and correct the five mistakes in the description of Mr Micawber.


Mr Micawber wears dark, old clothes and has thick, grey hair. He takes David home to meet his wife and children. He has a big house with lots of furniture. Mrs Micawber tells David that her husband is a stupid man. He never has any money. One day, Mr and Mrs Micawber are taken to prison because they have stolen money.

Read Chapters 7 & 8


•I.                     Are these people friends? Why (not)?


  1. Mr Micawber and Uriah Heep
  2. David and Agnes
  3. Emily and Ham
  4. Agnes and Uriah Heep
  5. Dora and Miss Murdstone

•II.                  Discuss these questions using at least 50 words for each answer. You may want to discuss them (in English) with another student before you write your answers down.


  1. Why does Emily say that she is bad?
  2. Why does Agnes dislike Steerforth?
  3. Will Dora or Agnes be abetter wife for David? Why?

Class 7:2 & 7:4 Week 12



Task 2


Read Chapters 3 & 4.

•I.                    Answer these questions:


  1. Who is a poor teacher?
  2. Who owns David's new school?
  3. Who comes from a rich family?
  4. Who visits David at school?
  5. Who has a new baby?
  6. Who dies?
  7. Who marries Peggotty?
  8. Who will be David's employer?


•II.                  How does David feel about these? Explain why.


  1. his first day at school
  2. Mr Mell
  3. Mr and Mrs Creakle
  4. Traddles and Steerforth
  5. his first visit home
  6. his second visit home
  7. his visit to Yarmouth
  8. Peggotty's marriage to Barkis

•III.                Discuss using at least 50 words for each answer:

  1. Is Steerforth a good friend for David? Why (not)?
  2. Was Clara a good mother?  Why (not)?

Class 7:2 & 7:4 Week 11





I. Read the Introduction and answer these questions about Charles Dickens:

  1. When did Charles Dickens live?
  2. In which country did he live?
  3. What other books did he write?
  4. What are Dickens's books about?
  5. How old was Dickens when he wrote David Copperfield?
  6. Did Dickens have a sad or a happy life, do you think? Why? (write at least 30 words)


II. Look at the Word List at the back of the book. Find these words in a dictionary and translate them into Swedish:

cart (old-fashioned)         


carriage (old-fashioned)


coach (old-fashioned)







shilling (old-fashioned)




donkey (see p. 27)






III. Read Chapters 1 & 2 and answer:

A. Does David like:       

Peggotty                                             yes/no

Mr Peggotty's home                         yes/no

Mr Murdstone                                     yes/no

Miss Murdstone                                   yes/no

the sea                                                yes/no

Little Emily                                          yes/no

his lessons                                         yes/no

B. Who do these words describe? Match the description on the left with the name on the right:

a. Clara's only friend                                                    1. Miss Trotwood

b. wants to be rich                                                        2. Mrs Copperfield

c. David's father's aunt                                                3. Peggotty

d. weak and childlike                                                   4. Mr Murdstone

e. a kind man                                                                 5. Mrs Gummidge

f. angry and cruel                                                           6. Little Emily

g. always unhappy                                                         7. Mr Peggotty

C. You are David. Tell the boy at your new school about your life. Write between 50-100 words.

Class 7:2 & 7:4 David Copperfield study plan


Year 7 English Study Plan

Unit 4, weeks 11- 19

Class 7:2 & 7:4

What are we going to do?                

•·        Read David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (Penguin Reader)

•·        Answer questions about the book.

•·        Learn how to talk and write about the book.


Why are we learning this?                                     

  • To be able to talk and write about a book that you read.
  • To understand and learn new words used in the book.
  • To use your imagination in recreating the story.


How can I show what I have learned?                

  • Take part in class discussion/exercises.
  • Do your class/homework every week.
  • Pass the test (w. 19) - Write a story about David Copperfield and his life. Be prepared to write in your own words about a topic from the book that you will get. You will be able to use a dictionary.

Mål att sträva mot

Skolan skall i sin undervisning i engelska sträva efter att eleven

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att delta aktivt i samtal och skriftlig kommunikation, uttrycka sina egna tankar på engelska samt uppfatta andras åsikter och erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska muntligt i olika sammanhang för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser, information och kunskaper,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda hjälpmedel och att kritiskt granska informationskällor,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över och ta ansvar för sin egen språkinlärning och att medvetet använda arbetssätt som främjar den egna inlärningen,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand och i samarbete med andra.


Class 7:1 & 7:3 week 11

Do at least 4 word exercises from the list in the study plan for week 11 and send/give them to Marie by Friday.

Class 7:1 & 7:3 Unit 4 Plan weeks 11-19

Year 7 English

Study Plan

Unit 4, weeks 11-19



In this unit we will learn how to talk about furniture and other things in the house. We will also learn useful words and phrases to talk about how you live.


What are we going to do?                                      

•·        Learn words for furniture and other things in the house.

•·        Learn how to describe your own house/flat/room.

•·        Learn words and phrases used when talking about housework and looking for a place to live.

•·        Learn about how people live in Great Britain.

•·        Grammar exercises:      Workbook pp. 97-102


Expressions with:         there is/there are

                                                             there was/there were

Why are we learning this?                                     

  • To be able to describe a flat/house, the different rooms and furniture - orally and in writing.
  • To be able to describe your own room and furniture orally and in writing.
  • To be able to describe the most common British houses orally and in writing.
  • To be able to talk about problems related to housework.
  • To understand what people say when they talk about their flats/houses.


How can I show what I have learned?                

  • Do weekly class/home assignments.
  • Pass the test (w. 19) 

•-          listening comprehension about things in the house (use your CD)

•-          words for furniture and things in the house Textbook, pp. 86-87

•-          phrases used when talking about housing - Textbook p. 88, and 92-93, Workbook p. 86, ex. 9 & 10

•-          describe your room, Textbook, pp. 90-91, Workbook, ex. 12, p.88

•-          grammar - prepositions (opposite, under, behind etc) and expressions with there is/are, there was/were - Workbook, pp. 97-102

What should I study?

                                            Wings 7 Textbook Section 4 pp. 85-98

                                            Wings 7 Workbook Section 4 pp. 82-102

  • At the end of each week - by Friday - send your work to me. Remember that you need to work both at school and at home.


Week 11-Textbook:  In the house (listening) p. 85, Words, pp. 86-87

Workbook: Words - choose some of the ex. 1-8 on pp. 82- 86,  ex. 11, p. 87, ex. 23 -25, p. 91-92, ex. 32, 34, p. 94

Week 14- Textbook:  Looking for a house pp. 88-89, Tidy up!, pp. 92-93

Workbook: Phrases ex. 9 & 10 pp. 86-87, ex. 20-22 p. 90-91,


Week 16-- Textbook - Poppy's room, pp. 90-91

                      Workbook choose some of the ex. 12-13, pp. 88-89, 16-19 p. 90, 28-31, pp. 93-94

Writing: Draw a picture of your room and describe it in writing.

Week 17 Textbook:  Saturday morning in Elm Tree Road, pp. 94-95

Workbook ex. 14, p. 89, Listening ex. 35-36, p. 95, Grammar-Prepositions, p. 97-99


Week 18 Textbook Jamie's story, pp. 96-98

Workbook ex. 15, p. 89; Listening ex. 37-38, pp. 95-96; Grammar-there is/was, pp. 99-100


Week 19                Tuesday Workbook Grammar there was/were, pp. 101-102; choose some of the ex. 33, p. 94; ex. 26- 27, p. 92-93

                                 Thursday TEST


Week 10 Homework

Read the text " The whole truth - or just a yolk?" on pp. 76-78 in the Textbook. Then choose 1-2 exercises from pp. 161-162 in the Workbook  "Hur man kan arbeta med en text" and work with the text you've read. This should take you at least one hour. When ready - check the spelling and grammar - send it to Marie before the end of the week. Good luck!

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