Class 6:1 & 6:2 Week 4

Choose three interesting places in Toronto and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them (week 3-4). This is your homework for this week if you haven't done it in class.
Read texts: Welcome to Toronto on p. 48 and Simon's diary entry on pp. 50-51.  Do exercises 5 and 10 from the Workbook, pp. 43 and 46.

Class 6:3 Week 4-5


by Jack London


Week 4 - 5

  • Read Chapters 4-5 and then answer these questions about the story:

  1. Why does Buck want Spitz's harness?
  2. Dave knows he is very sick. So why does he want to stay in his harness?
  3. What happens to Dave behind the trees?
  4. Why do Charles, Mercedes, and Hal fight every day?
  5. Why does John Thornton want to help Buck?

What do you think?

  1. Buck has a friend now - John Thornton. Will his new life be easy? What do you think?
  2. Find these words in a dictionary: wolf, moose, arrow.

Are these sentences right or wrong?

•a)     A wolf is a wild animal. It lives in the woods.          

•b)     A moose is a small animal. You can find it under the floors of houses.

•c)      An arrow can kill a person or an animal.

  1. Imagine you are Buck. Tell us about your life in a poem which starts like this:

My name is Buck...

Class 6:3 Week 3


by Jack London


Week 3


  • Read Chapters 1 - 3 and then answer these questions about the story:

•1.      Why are these people and things important?

      • Manuel
      • the man with the red shirt
      • gold

•2.      Why does Buck hate Spitz?

•3.      What happens to Dolly? Why?

•4.      What do you think: Is Buck's life in the North better or worse than in California?

•5.      Do you think that Francois and Perrault will be angry with Buck because he killed Spitz? Why (why not)?

Class 6:2 Week 3

Immigrants - invandrare

Freestanding - fristående

Inhabitants - population - people invånare

Originally - ursprungligen

The Sky Pod - the top part of the CN Tower

Revolve - spin - rotate - turn around - snurra

Observation deck - utsiktsplan

Settle - bosätta sig

Enough - nog

Structure - building

Important - viktig

landmark - landmärke

Homework: Write three things about Toronto that you've read about in the Text on p. 48.

Learn all the words that we studied in class.

Class 6:1 Week 3

Class 6:1

The Sky Pod - the top part of the CN Tower

Originally - ursprungligen

Observation deck = observatory - utsiktsplan

Revolve - turn around - snurra

View - utsikt

The Caribbean - Västindien

Freestanding - fristående

Settle - bosätta sig

Homework: Find five more new words from the text on p. 48. Learn all the words that we studied in class.

Write three things about Toronto that you've read about in the Text on p. 48.

Class 6:1 & 6:2 Unit 3 At School


Year 6 English Study Plan

Unit 3, weeks 3-8



In this unit we will learn how to talk about your typical school day, subjects that you study and things that you use in the classroom. We will also travel to Toronto in Canada to see what a school day looks like there.

What are we going to do?                

•·        Read about Toronto and what you can do there.

•·        Learn how to talk and write about your school.

•·        Learn words for subjects at school.

•·        Learn words for things that you use in the classroom.

•·        Practise grammar:         a/an before a noun (an apple, a girl)

possessive pronouns (my, your)


Why are we learning this?                                     

  • To be able to talk and write about Toronto.
  • To understand when people talk about school.
  • To be able to talk with people you have not met before.
  • To be able to talk and write about what you do at school.


What should I study?

                                            Wings 6 Textbook Section 3 pp. 45 - 61

                                            Wings 6 Workbook Section 3 pp. 41 - 54


How can I show what I have learned?                

  • Take part in class discussion/exercises

•·        Choose three interesting places in Toronto and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them (week 3-4)

•·        Write your own timetable in English, ex. 16, p. 48, Workbook (week 5)

  • Write what your typical school day looks like (week 6)

  • Pass the test (w. 8)
    1. listening comprehension about school
    2. useful phrases (pp. 52-53 in the Textbook)
    3. school words (Textbook pp. 54, 60-61)
    4. facts about Toronto (Textbook, pp. 48 - 51)
    5. writing about your school day
    6. grammar:    
  • a or an before a noun (an apple, a girl) Workbook pp. 52-53
  •   possessive pronouns (my, your) Workbook pp. 53-54

Mål att sträva mot

Skolan skall i sin undervisning i engelska sträva efter att eleven

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift,

- fördjupar sin förståelse av talad engelska i olika situationer och sammanhang,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att delta aktivt i samtal och skriftlig kommunikation, uttrycka sina egna tankar på engelska samt uppfatta andras åsikter och erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska muntligt i olika sammanhang för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser, information och kunskaper,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda hjälpmedel och att kritiskt granska informationskällor,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över och ta ansvar för sin egen språkinlärning och att medvetet använda arbetssätt som främjar den egna inlärningen,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand och i samarbete med andra.


Class 6:3 Week 2


by Jack London


Week 2

  • Read the Introduction (p. v)
  • Write a summary of Jack London's life using these questions as a guide:

•1.      When did Jack London live?

•2.      In which country did he live?

•3.      What do you know about his family?

•4.      How old was he when he left school?

•5.      Why did he go to Canada?

•6.      What other books did he write?

•7.      Why is he famous?

  • Answer the following questions:
  1. Which do you like: hot weather or cold weather? Why?
  2. Find these words in a dictionary: attack, bark, howl.

                  Which of these are words for sounds? When does a dog do these things?

       3.   Put these missing words in the right group:

boots                               club               law                neck                                   pain                                    rest               the wild

head, arm,  .................                                                       hurt, cry, ......................

bed, sleep, ..................                                                     shirt, pants, ....................

woods, mountains, ........................

knife, gun, ....................                                                     kill, police, ....................

      4.  Can you find these in the mountains, in a bank or in a sports store?

camp                      ............................       gold ...................................          

rocks                      .............................      rope ....................................

Class 6:3 Unit 3 The Call of the Wild


Year 6 English Study Plan

Unit 3, weeks 2 - 8

Class 6:3

What are we going to do?                

•·        Read The Call Of The Wild by Jack London (Penguin Reader)

•·        Answer questions about the book.

•·        Learn how to talk and write about the book.


Why are we learning this?                                     

  • To be able to talk and write about a book that you read.
  • To understand and learn new words used in the book.
  • To use your imagination in recreating the story.


How can I show what I have learned?                

  • Take part in class discussion/exercises.
  • Do your class/homework every week.
  • Pass the test (w. 8) - Write a story about Buck and his life.  Be prepared to write in your own words about a topic from the book that you will get. You will be able to use a dictionary.

Mål att sträva mot

Skolan skall i sin undervisning i engelska sträva efter att eleven

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att delta aktivt i samtal och skriftlig kommunikation, uttrycka sina egna tankar på engelska samt uppfatta andras åsikter och erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska muntligt i olika sammanhang för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser, information och kunskaper,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda hjälpmedel och att kritiskt granska informationskällor,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över och ta ansvar för sin egen språkinlärning och att medvetet använda arbetssätt som främjar den egna inlärningen,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand och i samarbete med andra.




Week 50 - Test

Class 6:1 and 6:2 will write their test on Tuesday, class 6.3 will have it on Thursday.

The test is on Section 2 in the Textbook: New York, and follows the unit plan that everybody got in week 45. A copy of the plan is also included in this blog.

•·          There will be a listening comprehension test about relatives (work with your CD at home, Section 2);

•·          you need to learn words for different family members (p. 34 in the Textbook)

•·          phrases used when you meet new people (like e.g. When Simon meets Roz, Textbook, p. 32-33);

•·          words used in  the US and in Britain (like those on p. 22 in your Workbook);

•·          some facts about New York (Textbook, p. 28-31, 38) ; and

•·          grammar - comparing adjectives (e.g. tall, taller, the tallest  - p. 37-38 in the Workbook); is, are, am (p. 39 in the Workbook); and have or has (p. 40 in the Workbook)

•·          There will also be a short writing task like an e-mail from New York that we worked with.

Good luck!

Week 49

Class 6:3 Simon meets Auntie Anna, Textbook, p. 36-37. ex. 6. Workbook, p. 24. Crossword for two (Family) - not finished
Homework: Grammar, Workbook, p. 39 My sister is 10 years old and p. 40 My friend has a dog. Also:
  • Write a story about your family (use questions from ex. 16A, p. 29 in your Workbook as a guide) - this needs to be done on your computer

  • Class 6:1 and 6:2 didn't have English lessons this week.

    For your homework please

  • Write a story about your family (use questions from ex. 16A, p. 29 in your Workbook as a guide) - this needs to be done on your computer

  • Week 48

    Class 6:2 We've drawn a family tree of our own families learning how different people in our families are called. You'll find a list of names of relatives on p. 34 in your Textbook.
    Homework for Tuesday: Grammar, Workbook, p. 39, ex. 2 C & D
    Simon meets Roz, Textbook, p. 32-33, ex. 1 & 2, Workbook, p. 22. If you haven't done this in class, you need to do it as your homework for Monday.
    Comparison of adjectives (tall, taller, the tallest): homework for Monday: ex. 1A, p. 37 & D p. 38 in the Workbook  

    Class 6:1 Simon meets Roz, Textbook, p. 32-33, ex. 1 & 2, Workbook, p. 22. If you haven't done this in class, you need to do it as your homework. Everybody does ex. 1A, p. 37 & D p. 38 in the Workbook  for tomorrow.
    Comparison of adjectives (tall, taller, the tallest). We listened to a song "An Englishman in New York" and filled in the missing words. Homework for Monday: Grammar ex. C & D on p. 39 in the Workbook

    Class 6:3 If you want to practise writing English more, please write a diary note from your trip to New York and e-mail it to me.
    Simon meets Roz, Textbook, p. 32-33, ex. 1 & 2, Workbook, p. 22
    Friday: We listened to a song "An Englishman in New York" and filled in the missing words.
    Homework for next Thursday/Friday: Grammar, Workbook, p. 39 My sister is 10 years old and p. 40 My friend has a dog. Also:
  • Write a story about your family, by Friday, 5 Dec (w. 49) (use questions from ex. 16A, p. 29 in your Workbook as a guide)

  • Week 47

    Class 6:2 We watched a film about New York and read "Send me a postcard", Textbook p. 38
    Read Simon's postcards and write an email from New York to a class mate following the list that we've made - see "Email list 6:2" - this is your homework for tomorrow
    An email from Simon's brother, Textbook, p. 39.
    Workbook, ex. 9, p. 25, ex. 19, p. 30.
    Reply to an email you got from your class mate - write what you think about New York which he or she described in their email and something about yourself. Send a copy of your reply together with the email you got from your friend to me. Make sure you do the spell check of your email before you send it. This is your homework for Monday.

    Class 6:1 We read "Send me a postcard", Textbook p. 38
    Read Simon's postcards and write an email from New York to a class mate following the list that we've made - see "Email list 6:1" - this is your homework for tomorrow
    An email from Simon's brother, Textbook, p. 39.
    Workbook, ex. 9, p. 25, ex. 19, p. 30.
    Reply to an email you got from your class mate - write what you think about New York which he or she described in their email and something about yourself. Send a copy of your reply together with the email you got from your friend to me. Make sure you do the spell check of your email before you send it. This is your homework for Monday.

    Class 6:3 We've drawn a family tree of our own families learning how different people in our families are called. You'll find a list of names of relatives on p. 34 in your Textbook. We've also listened to the Happy Families text on CD, Textbook, p. 34 and answered questions on this page.
    Remember to reply to an email you got from your class mate - write what you think about New York which he or she described in their email and something about yourself. Send a copy of your reply together with the email you got from your friend to me. Make sure you do the spell check of your email before you send it. This is your homework for Friday.
    Lesson with Cajsa on Friday: Do exercises 3 & 4 on p. 23, ex. 16 on p. 29, ex. 28 on p. 34 in the Workbook.

    Homework: grammar pp. 37-38 Workbook (you can start doing it at school)

    Week 46

    Class 6:2 Choose three sights in New York and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them. If you are not finished, this is your homework for tomorrow. Don't forget to have it with you, either on computer or printed out. Don't forget to do exercise 7, p. 24 in the Workbook as well. This was your homework for today which most of you haven't done!
    Read the text "Simon's Diary" on pp. 30-31 in the Textbook. Do exercises 8 and 13 in the Workbook, pp. 25-28 ((this is your homework)

    Class 6:1 Read the text on pp. 30-31 in the Textbook. Do exercises 8 and 13 in the Workbook, pp. 25-28.
    We've drawn a family tree of our own families learning how different people in our families are called. You'll find a list of names of relatives on p. 34 in your Textbook. We've also listened to the Happy Families text on CD, Textbook, p. 34. and answered questions on this page. Then we did exercises 3 & 4 in the Workbook, p. 23 (this is your homework)

    Class 6:3: We watched a film about New York. We read the text  "Simon's Diary" on pp. 30-31 in the Textbook. Then we started writing an email from a trip to New York to a class friend back in Stockholm. Make sure you do the spell check of your email before you send it to a class mate. If you are not finished, you need to do it as your homework forThursday.

    Unit 2 New York

    Year 6 English Study Plan

    Unit 2, weeks 45 -  50



    In this unit we will travel to New York to see how people live in this famous American city.

    What are we going to do?                

    •·        Read about the city of New York.

    •·        Learn how to talk and write about New York.

    •·        Learn words to describe families.

    •·        Learn how to write a diary and e-mail.

    •·        Practise grammar: adjectives, have/has, is/are/am

    Why are we learning this?                                     

    • To be able to talk and write about New York
    • To understand words that American and British people use
    • To understand when people talk about families
    • To write, read and understand a diary and e-mail
    • To be able to write about your family

    What should I study?

                                                Wings 6 Textbook Section 2 pp. 25 - 43

                                                Wings 6 Workbook Section 2 pp. 22 - 40

    How can I show what I have learned?                

    • Take part in class discussion/exercises
    • Choose three sights in New York and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them (by Thursday, 13 November, w. 46)
    • Write an email to your friend, by Mon, 17 Nov (w. 47) and reply to your friend's email to you, by Thursday, 20 November
    • Write a diary note from your trip to New York, by Friday, 28 November (w. 48) (ex. 17, p. 29 in your Workbook)
    • Write a story about your family, by Friday, 5 Dec (w. 49) (ex. 16, p. 29 in your Workbook)
    • Pass the test Class 6:1 & 6:2 Tuesday, 9 Dec, Class 6:3 Thursday 11 Dec (w. 50)


    Mål att sträva mot

    Skolan skall i sin undervisning i engelska sträva efter att eleven

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift,

    - fördjupar sin förståelse av talad engelska i olika situationer och sammanhang,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att delta aktivt i samtal och skriftlig kommunikation, uttrycka sina egna tankar på engelska samt uppfatta andras åsikter och erfarenheter,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska muntligt i olika sammanhang för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser, information och kunskaper,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att använda hjälpmedel och att kritiskt granska informationskällor,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över och ta ansvar för sin egen språkinlärning och att medvetet använda arbetssätt som främjar den egna inlärningen,

    - utvecklar sin förmåga att planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand och i samarbete med andra.


    Week 45

    Class 6:2 We've started reading about New York in class. At home read the text on p. 28 in your Textbook again and look up the words you don't understand.
    Read and answer questions from exercise 7, p. 24 in your Workbook  - if you didn't finish them at school, this is your homework for next Monday, w. 46.

    Class 6:1 We've started reading about New York in class. At home read the text on p. 28 in your Textbook again and look up the words you don't understand. Read questions from exercise 7, p. 24 in your Workbook and think how you would answer them.
    Answer questions from exercise 7, p. 24 in your Workbook  - if you didn't finish them at school, this is your homework for next Monday, w. 46.

    Homework for Monday, w. 46: Choose three sights in New York and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them.

    Class 6:3: We've read about New York on p. 28 in the Textbook and looked up words we didn't understand. Then we answered questions from exercise 7, p. 24 in the Workbook.  If you didn't finish them at school, this is your homework for tomorrow, Friday.
    Now choose three sights in New York and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them. If you are not finished, this is your homework for Thursday. Don't forget to have it with you, either on computer or printed out.

    Week 43

    Class 6:2
    Monday - Grammar exercises: am, is, are (Correct yourself 1 & 2)
    Crossword: opposite verbs (Fun with English)

    Questions about Sollentuna 6:3

    Sollentuna 6:3

    How many people live in Sollentuna
    Different  places in Sollentuna for example Viby, Norrviken

    Different schools

    Different lakes for example: Norrviken, Edsviken

    Football places



    Ice hockey

    Ride horses

    Floor ball



    Roller blades

    Skating on Norrvikensjön and Edsviken


    Track and field

    Famous people


    Questions about Sollentuna 6:2



    Sport clubs

    Famous people



    Skiing slope



    Disco for teenagers

    Questions about Sollentuna 6:1

    Sollentuna 6:1

    How many people live in Sollentuna? 

    Volleyball elite        


    Ice hockey


    Stinsen shopping center


    Floor ball







    Track and field

    Skate on the lake

    Skate board





    Food store

    The only yeast factory in Sweden

    Electric cars


    Fire station

    Ambulance station

    Police station


    Table tennis




    A letter about myself - questions

    A letter about myself


    •1.    What's your name?

    •2.    How old are you?

    •3.    In which city/country do you live?

    •4.    What school do you go to?

    •5.    Who are your friends? Where do they live?

    •6.    What's your father's name?

    •7.    What does he do?

    •8.    What's your mother's name?

    •9.    What does she do?

    •10.      Do you live in a house or in a flat? Is it big or small?

    •11.      How many people are in your family?

    •12.      Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are their names?

    •13.      What do they do?

    •14.      With whom do you live?

    •15.      Do you have any hobbies?

    •16.      What do you like doing in your spare time?

    •17.      Do you have any pets?

    •18.      What is your favourite food?

    •19.      What is your favourite TV program?

    •20.      What is your favourite song/music group?

    •21.      What is your favourite movie?

    •22.      Do you like learning English? Why/why not?

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