Sanna - your homework

This homework was for week 22 when we didn't have English in two weeks. If you didn't do it then, it's too bad. Do whatever you can  now. Marie

Class 6:3 Test Friday w. 23

  • Pass the test (w. 23)

•1.      listening comprehension about Simon in Hong Kong (use your CD)

•2.      useful phrases (Textbook pp.72-73, Workbook ex. 6, p. 58)

•3.      words for spare activities (Textbook p.74, Workbook, ex.7, p. 58)

•4.      grammar:    The Simple Present Tense  - Workbook pp. 68-72

•5.      facts about Hong Kong (Textbook, pp. 68-71)

•6.      writing about your friend (Textbook, pp. 82-83; Workbook, ex. 13, p. 61 + Worksheets 18 &19)

Class 6:1 Test Tuesday week 23

Section 5 in your Textbook and Workbook
1. listening comprehension about safari (use your CD)
2. Useful phrases: Textbook, pp. 97-99
3. Wild Animals of Africa - Textbook, p. 100
4. Grammar - the past tense  (dåtid) - Workbook, pp. 83-86
5. Facts about Nairobi - Textbook, pp. 94-96
6. Writing - write about Simon's trip around the world.  What did Simon do on his trip? Rememebr: you need to use verbs in the past tense (dåtid).
Good luck!

Class 6:2 Test Tuesday, week 23

•1.      listening comprehension about Simon in Hong Kong (use your CD)

•2.      useful phrases (Textbook pp.72-73, Workbook ex. 6, p. 58)

•3.      words for spare activities (Textbook p.74, Workbook, ex.7, p. 58)

•4.      grammar:    The Simple Present Tense  - Workbook pp. 68-72

•5.      facts about Hong Kong (Textbook, pp. 68-71)

•6.      writing about your friend (Textbook, pp. 82-83; Workbook, ex. 13, p. 61 + Worksheets 18 &19)

Class 6:1 week 22 Homework

Simon meets Neil and Sue, Textbook, p. 102
Learn phrases on p. 102 and make sentences with them.
Grammar - the past tense - Workbook, p. 84, ex. B & C, p. 86, ex. B

Class 6:2 Week 22 Homework

What do you do in your spare time? Textbook, p. 76-77
Workbook, pp. 57-62, ex. 1, 5, 7, 15 and 18
What is a good friend? Textbook pp. 82-83
Make new mates, Textbook, pp. 84-85
Homework: Write at least 5 things about your best friend. What is it that makes someone a good friend?

Class 6:3 Homework for Week 22

Workbook, ex. 17, p. 62 Find out more about Hong Kong - find some facts in English and pictures from Hong Kong. Make sure you use your own language that you and your friends can understand. Have fun!

Class 6:2 week 20-21 Homework

Grammar: Present Simple, Workbook, pp. 68-72
Welcome to Hong Kong, Simon's diary entry , Textbook, pp. 68-70.
Workbook, p. 60, ex. 10.
Homework: Workbook, p. 62, ex. 17 (choose three things to write about)
Spare time activities, Textbook, p. 74 - learn these expressions

Class 6:1 Week 20-21 Homework

Workbook, p. 74, ex. 3; p. 76, ex. 8.
Write 5 facts about Nairobi.
Simon meets Joseph - Textbook, pp. 97-99
Wild animals and safari - Textbook, p. 100 - learn these words

Class 6:3 homework for Thursday, 14 May

Workbook, p. 69, ex. D, p. 70, ex. F

Class 6:3 Unit 4 Spare time weeks 19-24


Year 6 English Study Plan

Unit 4, weeks 19-24



In this unit we will learn how to talk about your spare time activities, what makes a good friend and how you can make friends. We will also travel to Hong Kong in China to see what life is like there.

What are we going to do?                

•·        Read about Hong Kong and what you can do there.

•·        Learn how to talk and write about what you can do in your spare time.

•·        Learn how to talk and write about your friends.

•·        Learn how to discuss why friends are important.

•·        Practise grammar:         the simple present tense

e.g.             I learn English at school.

My friend learns Chinese in Australia.


Why are we learning this?                                     

  • To be able to talk and write about Hong Kong.
  • To talk and understand when people talk about friends.
  • To be able to talk with people you have not met before.
  • To be able to talk and write about what you do in your spare time.


What should I study?

                                            Wings 6 Textbook Section 4 pp. 65-88

                                            Wings 6 Workbook Section 4 pp. 56-72

How can I show what I have learned?                

  • Take part in class discussion/exercises

•·        Do grammar exercises: Workbook, pp. 68-72 (week 19)

•·        Choose three interesting places in Hong Kong and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them (week 20)

  •  Write about your interests: Workbook, ex. 15, p. 61, ex.  (week 21)
  • Write about your friend: (week 22)
  • Pass the test (w. 23)

•1.      listening comprehension about Simon in Hong Kong (use your CD)

•2.      useful phrases (Textbook pp.72-73, Workbook ex. 6, p. 58)

•3.      words for spare activities (Textbook p.74, Workbook, ex.7, p. 58)

•4.      grammar:    The Simple Present Tense  - Workbook pp. 68-72

•5.      facts about Hong Kong (Textbook, pp. 68-71)

•6.      writing about your friend (Textbook, pp. 82-83; Workbook, ex. 13, p. 61 + Worksheets 18 &19)

Mål att sträva mot

Skolan skall i sin undervisning i engelska sträva efter att eleven

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift,

- fördjupar sin förståelse av talad engelska i olika situationer och sammanhang,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att delta aktivt i samtal och skriftlig kommunikation, uttrycka sina egna tankar på engelska samt uppfatta andras åsikter och erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska muntligt i olika sammanhang för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser, information och kunskaper,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda hjälpmedel och att kritiskt granska informationskällor,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över och ta ansvar för sin egen språkinlärning och att medvetet använda arbetssätt som främjar den egna inlärningen,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand och i samarbete med andra.


Class 6.2 Unit 4 Spare time weeks 19-24


Year 6 English Study Plan

Unit 4, weeks 19-24



In this unit we will learn how to talk about your spare time activities, what makes a good friend and how you can make friends. We will also travel to Hong Kong in China to see what life is like there.

What are we going to do?                

•·        Read about Hong Kong and what you can do there.

•·        Learn how to talk and write about what you can do in your spare time.

•·        Learn how to talk and write about your friends.

•·        Learn how to discuss why friends are important.

•·        Practise grammar:         the simple present tense

e.g.             I learn English at school.

My friend learns Chinese in Australia.


Why are we learning this?                                     

  • To be able to talk and write about Hong Kong.
  • To talk and understand when people talk about friends.
  • To be able to talk with people you have not met before.
  • To be able to talk and write about what you do in your spare time.


What should I study?

                                            Wings 6 Textbook Section 4 pp. 65-88

                                            Wings 6 Workbook Section 4 pp. 56-72

How can I show what I have learned?                

  • Take part in class discussion/exercises

•·        Do grammar exercises: Workbook, pp. 68-72 (week 19)

•·        Choose three interesting places in Hong Kong and find pictures and little information (in English) about each of them (week 20)

  •  Write about your interests: Workbook, ex. 15, p. 61, ex.  (week 21)
  • Write about your friend: (week 22)
  • Pass the test (w. 23)

•1.      listening comprehension about Simon in Hong Kong (use your CD)

•2.      useful phrases (Textbook pp.72-73, Workbook ex. 6, p. 58)

•3.      words for spare activities (Textbook p.74, Workbook, ex.7, p. 58)

•4.      grammar:    The Simple Present Tense  - Workbook pp. 68-72

•5.      facts about Hong Kong (Textbook, pp. 68-71)

•6.      writing about your friend (Textbook, pp. 82-83; Workbook, ex. 13, p. 61 + Worksheets 18 &19)

Mål att sträva mot

Skolan skall i sin undervisning i engelska sträva efter att eleven

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska för att kommunicera i tal och skrift,

- fördjupar sin förståelse av talad engelska i olika situationer och sammanhang,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att delta aktivt i samtal och skriftlig kommunikation, uttrycka sina egna tankar på engelska samt uppfatta andras åsikter och erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda engelska muntligt i olika sammanhang för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att läsa olika slags texter för upplevelser, information och kunskaper,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka sig varierat och säkert i skrift för att berätta, beskriva och förklara samt motivera sina åsikter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att analysera, bearbeta och förbättra språket mot allt större variation och säkerhet,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att använda hjälpmedel och att kritiskt granska informationskällor,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att reflektera över och ta ansvar för sin egen språkinlärning och att medvetet använda arbetssätt som främjar den egna inlärningen,

- utvecklar sin förmåga att planera, genomföra och utvärdera uppgifter, på egen hand och i samarbete med andra.


Class 6:3 test on Thursday 7 May w. 19

This is what you need to study for your test.

  1. listening comprehension about school (use your CD)
  2. useful phrases (pp. 52-53 in the Textbook)
  3. school words (Textbook pp. 54, 60-61)
  4. facts about Toronto (Textbook, pp. 48 - 51)
  5. writing about your school day
  6. grammar:   a or an before a noun (an apple, a girl) Workbook pp. 52-53; possessive pronouns (my, your) Workbook pp. 53-54              

Class 6:1 Test on Tuesday 5 May (w. 19)

  • This is what you need to study for your test

1.   listening comprehension about Simon in Hong Kong (use your CD)

•2.      useful phrases (Textbook pp.72-73, Workbook ex. 6, p. 58)

•3.      words for spare activities (Textbook p.74, Workbook, ex.7, p. 58)

•4.      grammar:    The Simple Present Tense  - Workbook pp. 68-72

•5.      facts about Hong Kong (Textbook, pp. 68-71)

•6.      writing about your friend (Textbook, pp. 82-83; Workbook, ex. 13, p. 61 + Worksheets 18 &19)

Class 6:1 Monday 27 April

What makes a good friend?

•1.    Do you have many friends?

•2.    Do you have a best friend?

•3.    Are your friends loyal to you?

•4.    Can you trust your friends?

•5.    Can your friends trust you?

•6.    Where did you first meet?

•7.    Do you like same things?

•8.    Does your friend listen to you when you have a problem?

•9.    Do you go to school together?

•10.                  Do your friends visit you when you get sick?

•11.                  Who do you spend most time with?

•12.                  How should a good friend be?

•13.                  Is your pet a good friend?

Class 6:3 Homework for tomorrow Friday 24 April

Write 10 sentences with different nouns using "a" or "an", e.g. an apple, a book.

Class 6:2 homework for week 18

You need to finish reading the book and do Task 4 which is also your last task in the book. You have discussed all these questions with Julia during the lesson so I hope you will now be able to write the answers. We will talk about the book on Monday and on Tuesday you'll write a test from the book.


by Jack London


Task 4

  • Read Chapters 6-7 and then answer these questions about the story. Use at least 30 words to answer each question:

  1. What happens to "Black" Barton? Why?
  2. What is "the call of the wild"?
  3. Is Buck happy at the end of the story? Why?
  4. How is life different for Buck with the family in California and at work in the North? Describe and compare.

Class 6:3 Week 16

Learn new words from the Textbook, p. 54 "Back to school".
"Simon talks about his school", Textbook, pp. 58-59. Write your own presentation about Norrviken School.

Class 6:1 Homework for Week 17

Read Textbook, pp. 76-77 What do you do in your spare time?
Do exercises in the Workbook: p. 58, ex. 7, p. 61, ex. 15 Who are you? - write about your interests

Class 6:2 Homework for Week 17

Because of the parent-teacher interviews and the Easter break we will not have any lessons until Monday, 20 April (week 17). You need to have read The Call of the Wild until the end of chapter 5 and done all the exercises (including Task 3). During week 17 we will read chapters 6-7 and then write the test on Tuesday 28 April in week 18.

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